In the speculative entertaining world every child has the right to entertain herself with joy of speaking, dancing, riding horse, swimming, playing and so on. Apart from the basic playing more love to play in the gadgets nowadays, these is because of the modernization accepted by all. Even the stage of started to walk the child starts to make fun by them and play to their desire. Many schools and education centers are now taking part in providing fun for the child because in this modern era both the parents are taking part in the daily routine cores of life and they didn’t have time to spend with their child, this factor makes the child to become mentally sick and sometimes this makes them to get the stubborn naturally.
Several play schools are there to prevent the child and the parents those who did not have time to spend with their child can get them to these types of play schools and entertain them. So they may not feel lonely with the boring games by residing in the house. In many residential areas people have awareness in making the child active with playing, likewise many apartments has indoor and outdoor games reside inside that to keep the child active. Many amusement parks and zoos may cultivate good knowledge for the child growth.
Child and parents bonding
Child growth is the one which every parents struggle for their entire life but sometimes that may become overrule for the child for example over restrictions to play outdoor games, because they want to bring more knowledge for their child instead of making them entertain, but that is not correct child has to play well physically to enhance more muscle power and to get correct digestion. But after the modernization of consuming pasteurized and preserved foods many child are facing problems of obesity in the small age and the one more major factor is lack of physical work.
In olden days every children go to school by cycling or by walk and there are more time has been provided for the child to enjoy the playful childhood in school and outdoors, but now even a child has the responsibility to fed up with projects and assignments. There are school vans and buses are waiting before the house to pick them. So the physical activities of the child get reduced generation to generation. One can give their child whatever they want but bringing the childhood again is not possible, so let them enjoy the free world and make them to learn the surroundings.